Rider Confidence & Mindset
Having trained with leading performance psychologist Charlie Unwin, Sarah has completed the Centre10 Advanced programme in Applied Psychology for Equestrian Coaches.
But what does this mean Sarah can help you with?
Confidence - A HUGE topic, confidence to canter for the first time in a while, confidence to start jumping, confidence to enter a competition, confidence to hack on your own... absolutely anything that may be causing confidence wobbles, you can be assured you’re in good hands with Sarah helping you.
Competition Success – Sarah will help you to break the whole process down. There are a number of elements you may have not even considered to change on a show day, but doing so will provide an instant boost to your performance.
Goal Setting & Motivation - Do you keep promising yourself you will get back out to a competition, but months pass and your still waiting for the perfect conditions to commit and enter your first show? Sarah will help you get back on track and regain your motivation.
Self-Belief & Mindset - Are you worried about what people will think of you if you try something new and it doesn't quite go to plan? Don’t be! Sarah has the skills to help you focus and get back to enjoying your sport.
Performance Nerves - Can you ride a 70% dressage test all day long at home, but get in those white boards and it all goes wrong? A common problem amongst competitive riders, but Sarah will help refocus your mind and strategize your show day for maximum performance.
Book a studio session with Sarah and discuss your concerns regarding your riding, she will provide you with a plan and way forward to help you achieve your goals.